Friday, November 18, 2011

10 Benefits Of Mindful Eating

10 benefits of mindful eating

Mindful Eating is not a new concept. It's about listening to what our body tells us about our hunger and satisfaction. It is not about abundance and deprivation. Ask yourself the question. Am I really hungry? Then to what your body says to listen to you. If you are really in touch with what's going on in your body and your soul to know it's much easier at that moment when you fully satisfied or if your desire to eat more on how it is at this moment the To feel emotion. It's about understanding why, what, when, where and how we eat. It's about compassion and non-judgmental, it allows us to elaborate on our behavior.

People eat for many reasons and these reasons are understood to often very complex and difficult. We often find that people eat when they are angry, alone or with the feeling of comfort, while others prefer to eat and socialize like it, go to eat at a restaurant. Some people eat at certain times during the day while others eat out of habit or because it serves in some way.

Knowledge if we need to eat is one of the most natural way to communicate with us through which our body. Unfortunately, we have come over time, to ignore and manipulate these natural signals are usually caused by external factors. Such signals can range from our desire to be a certain weight, our need to comply with a specific image, our belief that we are not acceptable as we are or with food to comfort us. Taking account of these mind-body separation prevents us actually keep in touch with our inner knowledge and drives us to seek information and advice from external sources, rather than confidence in our own inner wisdom.

Mindful Eating is not a diet. They are attentive to the spirit and the observer that draws attention from eating experience. This may be your opinion through to you, just by watching, while the mind is distracted with no attachment to the idea. It is also important to know what is happening around you and within you. Is the TV on, the children are running around screaming or are you eating alone. Attentive, the food itself, as it looks, smells, tastes, it's hot or cold, etc. How do you feel sad, happy, anxious or depressed? Do you really hungry, where do you feel the hunger, you're always full, the food is satisfying your appetite? Really knowing what is happening in your body. Mindful Eating only asks that you observe these things, without trial or criticism. Here are the benefits of mindful eating ten:

* It is not something new. It's just something we have forgotten how. No matter what age or sex, you learn to eat mindfully
* It is not a diet. Following a diet means you trust that someone knows better than you. Through sensible eating, you will learn to trust yourself and just eat what you need to know your body and lose weight in the process
* There is a long-term solution that you always follow with the bonus of weight loss
* It gives you permissionto eat what you want and includes all food
* It can empoweringand about many positive changes in your life, how to bring improved self-esteem, more confidence and more self belief
* There is a simple processto follow no rules or restrictions that you feel deprived or "bad" can
* There is a mind-body approachinvolving the whole body, which include our thoughts, beliefs and feelings.
* The self-compassionand self-acceptance, which we want to encourage us were various stations
* It is not judgmental and can help people to change their behavior at their own pace
* It does work Which people can easily manage their weight and will continue with the process


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