Weight Loss Tips For Man And Woman
Passing over losing the battle for fat and keep it all your lifeTired of trying to lose weight and always fail? Fight to keep the weight off for the most part of your life? Take a look at some areas in your diet cause you to fail. Get serious, what you really want for in life ... hold the weight or lose. It is a choice only you can make.
There is a time in life that to try to lose weight, but will after a while, the focus is tired to care. You lose the weight get to a comfortable level for your health, look good, feel healthy, and then, only to return to your old habits and pack the pounds back on again.
You know that it takes a while to lose the weight and feel great, what you achieve, but it only takes a fraction of the time on the pounds again asked, if you get lazy.
It is difficult for people who are older. As you get older, you lose some muscle in your body. How do you know that muscles burn fat so that the less muscle you have ever heavier you become. Look at your target, see the new healthy you as your motivation to lose weight. How big that to see the feeling that fit into old jeans again and do the things that you were not able to do for a while because of your weight would be high.
There are some important tips to keep you in order to win the battle and keep the new healthy, fit you need when looking at your diet. Learn how the healthy food that you may not enjoy before. It is important that you do a slow change to your diet so that you will be able to keep the food tastes good and it may have for life.
Here are some of them:
1. Get over eating fatty foods, fast food, etc. Do not eat any fried foods.
2. Start enjoy drinking black coffee.
3. Drink lots of water instead of soda and sweetened drinks.
4. Wean from sweet foods such as cakes, pies, sweet biscuits. Replace it with healthy such as fruit or super dark chocolate instead.
5. Start to like and enjoy real meat such as fish, chicken, pork tenderloin, etc.
The above can help you, your tastes change overtime and eventually you will all these healthy foods like.
Remember that apart from looking at your diet, your partner for the weight losing weight training and exercise. So get up, keep moving and burn the extra fat in your body. Do all this slowly to avoid drastic changes in the body.
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Medications for Obesity and Overweight
Most of the drugs to fight obesity and overweight tend to act on the body by reducing the appetite, although some also act on the metabolism and absorption of fats.
It is wrong to think that just following a treatment with drugs obtained good results are final. In those cases where you option for a treatment for obesity drugs should be combined with healthy eating and physical activity.
Anyway, in most cases, the drugs used to combat obesity are not usually the recommended option. In the best case and assuming that the drugs actually work and help you lose weight, it may be that once you stop taking the medication, there is a rebound effect and re-gaining weight rapidly. In addition, it is likely that drugs are not sufficient to reduce overweight and maintenance, and what is really needed is to learn to eat properly and healthy.
The market offers a lot of drugs for sale weight loss, and many of them are OTC. However, it is not advisable to follow a treatment for obesity drug without medical supervision and that such drugs may have side effects such as increased blood pressure, palpitations, insomnia, agitation, addiction, stomach pain, nausea, diarrhea, dizziness, headache, hepatitis, depression and anxiety, depression and mood swings.For this reason, only recommends a drug treatment in cases where a doctor or specialist consider that due to the particular situation of the patient, medication is the best option.
If you are still determined to start treatment with medication, remember that any medicine is magical and should also work in food to achieve visible and lasting results. In this case, we recommend you consult with a specialist who can review your case, you may have with the different alternatives that exist and can prescribe those drugs most suitable for you. In addition, ete specialist may follow up treatment to ensure that medication has side effects that may be harmful to your health.
Healthy Food for Cardio Health

Your heart is a finely tuned machine: And if you eat it again and again abuse by junk food, eventually it will turn on you. A heart-healthy diet is the right fuel for good cardiovascular health.
Your heart needs and deserves special treatment - and that means eating a diet exercise heart-healthy foods every day.
In fact, diet plays such an important role in cardiovascular health, the prominent nutritionists and doctors alike from major universities agree that people should at risk for heart disease, "diet and exercise to try before first drug.
The world today, fast-food meal is simply ignored or overlooked because people are too busy worrying about work, family or other things going on everyday life.
This is probably the main reason more than 100 million people and growing are in this country today is overweight.
We are in the morning and rush to work is not always a good breakfast. At work we have only 30 minutes for lunch, so we just next door for fast food Mickey D `s Rush And when we at home after a busy day we sit down dinner and relax in a deck chair for a few hours the big screen Hi Def.TV.
It is actually quite simple. What you eat affects your heart. When your body digests what you eat, it takes what it needs, and tries to get rid of what they do not. If you have too much junk food, that takes what your body is not to eat, it stays in your body that travels through the blood, and eventually clog the blood vessels starts, which one is cholesterol deposits. "So the word plaque
Plaque is a sticky substance that will stick to your artery walls. As this plaque - up of cholesterol and other waste - sticking to the artery walls and restricts the opening of the artery, slowing of blood flow, with the oxygen in the heart, brain and other vital organs. When blood flow is restricted to the most important organs, when people begin to have problems such as heart attacks and strokes.
Arteries clogged by plaque are more prone to develop blood clots. A blood clot in an artery that can lead to your heart, a heart attack if the clot blocks an artery that can cause your brain, it lead to a stroke.
A heart attack can cause permanent damage to the heart muscle and a stroke can cause permanent damage to brain cells. And in both cases, a lot can be fatal if medical help is not immediately available. So, to avoid this situation, you have a heart-healthy diet of foods that are low in the type of cholesterol that contributes to the formation of plaque in your body and movement to eat.
Resolve So for a healthier you some wheat toast on your way out of order in the morning to work, at work, they grab a fish sandwich at Mickey D's for lunch and after dinner bike ride a few miles or more before You watch TV to sit on.
Overweight and Obesity According WHO

The recent WHO report, experts found there are 300 million people with obesity problem worldwide, and nearly 1 billion who are overweight. These results may not come as a surprise to us because we can easily see our generation is faced with weight problems sound today. Our kids love fast food and junk snacks. We do not like to practice and prefer to stay home as a couch potato. All these unhealthy lifestyle contributed to our overweight problem.
Obesity is a serious issue that should not be overlooked. It will provide on the risk of coronary heart disease and stroke. Obese people are more prone to type 2 diabetes develop when people compare, the normal weight. Also prone to obesity in conjunction with several types of cancer and disease.
The most important reason of overweight and obesity problem is due to unhealthy diet and lack of exercise. Most people love fast food, which contains very high in calories. Soft drinks contribute cocktails, wines and spirits also cause excess fat in our body. Most people do not like to exercise their feet and move. Some people may have genetic problem, the problem cause obesity. All these factors put us at risk of obesity.
So, do what we can to avoid obesity? First, we should our diet by to see more fruits, vegetables, nuts and whole grains. Try to consume more organic foods instead of processed food and care for low-fat plus high-fiber diet. We should also do physical activity of at least 30 minutes, 3 times per week. We can do cardio exercise such as jogging, swimming and cycling. Some overweight people may have difficulties, they found on a bike ride through balancing problem. This can go through a tricycle instead of solving a two-wheel bike. Ride a tricycle will continue to give you a great lower body workout and burn excess body fat.
Overweight and obesity was the main culprit for certain health problems and cancer have been identified. We should maintain our health seriously and retain BMI and body fat at healthy levels.
Obesity Will Causes Stroke? | Obesity ups risk of stroke

Need more motivation to lose that weight? How would it be? Risk of stroke increases with your weight according to a new systematic reviews are the nearly 2.3 million subjects. It seems that the heavier you are, the greater your risk.
Ischemic strokes occur when blood vessels that supply the brain are blocked. The less common hemorrhagic stroke occurs as a result of bleeding in the brain.
Your doctor will tell you that being overweight makes it more likely you are dealing with some of the risk factors for stroke ... Things like high blood pressure or high cholesterol. No one has so far indicate that overweight and obesity directly prove ups stroke risk, the evidence had been "controversial, " according to researchers.
To learn more, a research team searched medical literature for studies that in stroke risk and body mass index saw with a minimum of four years of follow-up.
They found 25 studies that met the qualifications, and these included 2,274,961 subjects who had a total of 30,000 strokes.
Those who were overweight, 22% more likely to have an ischemic stroke than normal-weight men, obese subjects were 64% more likely to have a stroke. The hemorrhagic stroke risk was not higher for overweight subjects but was 24% higher for those who were overweight.
After the team accounted for lifestyle risk factors such as smoking, age and cardiovascular risk factors, overweight and obesity each affected stroke risk. One reason might be secrete several substances that fat cells, which have adverse effects on the body ... Promote inflammation, hardening arteries, or effects on blood clotting.
Keeping the pounds off is to do something, what you can to protect themselves.
Your risk of a stroke within the next ten years can be estimated on the basis of your gender, blood pressure, smoking status, and if you have diabetes.Since the lines are so dangerous, it is important to reduce the risks that are under your control to work. Keep your blood pressure in a healthy range, since this is one of the best things you can do to combat your risk.
Smoking increases the risk, like diabetes, heart disease, atrial fibrillation, sickle cell anemia or other heart diseases. Diets that are high saturated fat, trans fat and cholesterol are known to increase blood cholesterol levels and this also increases the risk of stroke.
As inactive, obese (or both), larger opportunities, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, heart disease and stroke to bring.
Less well-documented risk factors for stroke are drugs (cocaine, amphetamines and heroin) and alcohol abuse. There is also some evidence that socioeconomic factors have an influence - Stroke is more common in people with low incomes than those who are wealthy. Strokes are more common in the southeastern United States (the so-called "stroke belt") than in other parts of the nation.
The good news is that you can make a difference to your risk of stroke. Keeping your weight under control should not be easy, but it is one of the most effective things you can do to protect themselves, not only for stroke, but by many other conditions.
Surgery Bariatrik To Overcome Obesity Problem
OBESITY is a health problem that has long dicelaru and confused with the problem and the importance ofcosmetics. Obesity, overweight, obesity and excessive fat leads to essentially the same problem, but the fact that each term carries different meanings and implications.
The difference term is explained through the calculation of unit-specific rates for classifying a person's body weight falls within a particular category. Throughout the world, one's body weight is calculated using ameasure of Body Mass Index or Body Mass Index (BMI).
BMI is the most convenient way of calculation in which the weight in kilograms divided into individual high in meters squared. This is done to gain weight as appropriate height.For example, if a person weighing 150 pounds, but his physical body height, body mass is compatible with, but if the individual is 80 kg and lower, it will cause serious health problems for him.
For Asians, different unit categories with the category designated by the World Health Organization (WHO) to have smaller body frames than the west.Consultant General Surgery, and Surgery Less Invasive Bariatrik, Ampang Puteri Specialist Hospital, Dr Jasmi Ali Yacoub, explaining each time dealing with patients who are concerned about obesity, the first thing to do is measure the patient's BMI."As an Asian, a consensus is achieved through the negotiation of the association of obesity around Asia in 2004 yielded the best result when it is able to prescribe the rates specific BMI for Asians," he said.Set individual rates calculated BMI between 18 and 25 is normal, 25 to 27.5 (overweight), 27.5 to 32.5 (obese), 32.5 to 37.5 (obesity class 1), 37.5 and above (morbid obesity or excessive fat) and 50 and above are categorized as 'super obese'.If BMI is 32.5, then the individual is in the obese category, but if not, they are considered merely overweight. So if there is such a unit, easier to classify and direct method of treatment according to patient BMI.When a person falls in the category of obesity, and left untreated, it leads to chronic diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart problems, bone problems, especially of the spine and bones of the knee and respiratory system problems that cause shortness of breath and difficulty sleeping.Individuals who are too heavy or 'morbid obesity' is also faced with the rapid rate of death or premature death is high. This shows the extreme obese people are prone to chronic disease at a young age and need help because this is no longer a cosmetic problem, but affect the health and life-threatening.According to Dr Jasmi, obesity should be treated as a lot of research found that obesity is treated capable of high body weight at a rate of 85 to 90 percent. Suffering from chronic diseases may be cured or controlled 100 percent, especially diabetes 'mellitus' (type 2) and high blood pressure due to obesity.For physicians, the treatment of obesity is necessary because it will bring good benefits to patients in the long term. Fringe benefits enjoyed when the patient is getting thinner and feel much healthier as a cosmetic look attractive.
"Around the world, if one individual classified as 'morbidly obese' (BMI 32.5), we syorkan they underwent surgery 'bariatric' (weight loss surgery) menerusi kaedah laparoscopy. His first goal for weight loss and second, perpetuate weight loss for long-term, "he said.However kaedah surgery chosen depends on pesakit. Many factors need to be dealt and taken around by a panel of doctors as well as the position kewangan pesakit, logistics, support families, state kesihatan, kecergasan and various more.Schools need to undergo surgery Pesakit 'bariatric' intends to be able to komited lifelong impression. He took the next six to one year and most important stage is the first three to six months in which the weight loss will force a sudden.Monitoring body weight follow a desired level is very important by experts who would have thought and monitor weight loss goals with height in a month. Pesakit consistent with subsequent treatment regime and follow the recommended diet dieting expert and do physical exercises, have the potential to recover to levels immediately.Regardless, people need disedarkan menerusi mass media about the importance of guarding the body weight for survival than kewujudan kaedah special care for obesiti problem.In addition to the perception and vagueness in the community willing to form a long time, police do not protect insurans surgery 'bariatric' also need dipinda kerana kaedah he is not used for cosmetic purposes, contrary maintainability kesihatan capable of healing and escorting various chronic diseases earlier mentioned earlier."Everything begins with prevention. Society needs to complete themselves with knowledge about how to do estimates obesiti including BMI itself, in addition to lifestyle advisory practice. Do membazir wang into beauty care centers kerana obesiti not a cosmetic problem otherwise threaten kesihatan."Kesihatan bertauliah see your expert to talk about during your kesihatan circumstances."