Friday, January 27, 2012

Healthy Food for Cardio Health

Healthy Food for Cardio Health

Your heart is a finely tuned machine: And if you eat it again and again abuse by junk food, eventually it will turn on you. A heart-healthy diet is the right fuel for good cardiovascular health.

Your heart needs and deserves special treatment - and that means eating a diet exercise heart-healthy foods every day.

In fact, diet plays such an important role in cardiovascular health, the prominent nutritionists and doctors alike from major universities agree that people should at risk for heart disease, "diet and exercise to try before first drug.

The world today, fast-food meal is simply ignored or overlooked because people are too busy worrying about work, family or other things going on everyday life.

This is probably the main reason more than 100 million people and growing are in this country today is overweight.

We are in the morning and rush to work is not always a good breakfast. At work we have only 30 minutes for lunch, so we just next door for fast food Mickey D `s Rush And when we at home after a busy day we sit down dinner and relax in a deck chair for a few hours the big screen Hi Def.TV.

It is actually quite simple. What you eat affects your heart. When your body digests what you eat, it takes what it needs, and tries to get rid of what they do not. If you have too much junk food, that takes what your body is not to eat, it stays in your body that travels through the blood, and eventually clog the blood vessels starts, which one is cholesterol deposits. "So the word plaque

Plaque is a sticky substance that will stick to your artery walls. As this plaque - up of cholesterol and other waste - sticking to the artery walls and restricts the opening of the artery, slowing of blood flow, with the oxygen in the heart, brain and other vital organs. When blood flow is restricted to the most important organs, when people begin to have problems such as heart attacks and strokes.

Arteries clogged by plaque are more prone to develop blood clots. A blood clot in an artery that can lead to your heart, a heart attack if the clot blocks an artery that can cause your brain, it lead to a stroke.

A heart attack can cause permanent damage to the heart muscle and a stroke can cause permanent damage to brain cells. And in both cases, a lot can be fatal if medical help is not immediately available. So, to avoid this situation, you have a heart-healthy diet of foods that are low in the type of cholesterol that contributes to the formation of plaque in your body and movement to eat.

Resolve So for a healthier you some wheat toast on your way out of order in the morning to work, at work, they grab a fish sandwich at Mickey D's for lunch and after dinner bike ride a few miles or more before You watch TV to sit on.


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