Saturday, July 30, 2011

Obesity in men (most recent) by country

Rank   Countries  Amount 
# 1   United Kingdom: 22.1% 
# 2   Slovakia: 18.8% 
# 3   Czech Republic: 13.4% 
# 4   Iceland: 12.4% 
# 5   Finland: 12% 
# 6   Sweden: 11% 
# 7   France: 9.7% 
# 8   Netherlands: 9% 
# 9   Norway: 8.4% 
# 10   Switzerland: 7.9% 
# 11   Japan: 3.4% 
Weighted average: 11.6%  

Source :

Monday, July 25, 2011

Obesity In Women (most recent) by country

Rank   Countries  Amount 
# 1   Slovakia: 25.4% 
# 2   United Kingdom: 22.8% 
# 3   Czech Republic: 16.1% 
# 4   Iceland: 12.4% 
# 5   Finland: 11.7% 
# 6   Netherlands: 11% 
# 7   Sweden: 9.8% 
# 8   France: 9.1% 
# 9   Norway: 8.2% 
# 10   Switzerland: 7.5% 
# 11   Japan: 3.8% 
Weighted average: 12.5%  

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Obesity In Japan | Obesity News In Japan

Obesity In Japan | Obesity News In Japan 

TOKYO, Japan — In Japan, being thin isn’t just the price you pay for fashion or social acceptance. It’s the law.
So before the fat police could throw her in pudgy purgatory, Miki Yabe, 39, a manager at a major transportation corporation, went on a crash diet last month. In the week before her company’s annual health check-up, Yabe ate 21 consecutive meals of vegetable soup and hit the gym for 30 minutes a day of running and swimming.

“It’s scary,” said Yabe, who is 5 feet 3 inches and 133 pounds. “I gained 2 kilos [4.5 pounds] this year.”

In Japan, already the slimmest industrialized nation, people are fighting fat to ward off dreaded metabolic syndrome and comply with a government-imposed waistline standard. Metabolic syndrome, known here simply as “metabo,” is a combination of health risks, including stomach flab, high blood pressure and high cholesterol, that can lead to cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
Concerned about rising rates of both in a graying nation, Japanese lawmakers last year set a maximum waistline size for anyone age 40 and older: 85 centimeters (33.5 inches) for men and 90 centimeters (35.4 inches) for women.

In the United States, the Senate and House health care reform bills have included the so-called “Safeway Amendment,” which would offer reductions in insurance premiums to people who lead fitter lives. The experience of the Japanese offers lessons in how complicated it is to legislate good health.
Though Japan’s “metabo law” aims to save money by heading off health risks related to obesity, there is no consensus that it will. Doctors and health experts have said the waistline limits conflict with the International Diabetes Federation’s recommended guidelines for Japan. Meantime, ordinary residents have been buying fitness equipment, joining gyms and popping herbal pills in an effort to lose weight, even though some doctors warn that they are already too thin to begin with.
The amount of “food calories which the Japanese intake is decreasing from 10 years ago,” said Yoichi Ogushi, professor of medicine at Tokai University and one of the leading critics of the law. “So there is no obesity problem as in the USA. To the contrary, there is a problem of leanness in young females.”

One thing’s certain: Most Japanese aren’t taking any chances.
Companies are offering discounted gym memberships and developing special diet plans for employees. Residents are buying new products touted as fighting metabo, including a $1,400 machine called the Joba that imitates a bucking bronco. The convenience store chain Lawson has opened healthier food stores called Natural Lawson, featuring fresh fruits and vegetables

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

What are causes of obesity between man and woman?

What are causes of obesity between man and woman?

There are many causes of obesity and they pertain to both men and women.

  • Lack of exercise - With the increase in high-tech electronics, we are spending more time with these gadgets rather than exercising.
  • Unhealthy diets - The type of food we eat is important, but also the amount of food we consume.
  • Physiological issues – How do we view ourselves? A wrong view of self could be a result of our upbringing or traumatic experiences. For example, if someone was abused as a child, a person may chose to be heavier. The abused person may gain weight to make themselves unattractive to avoid future abuse.
  • A learned behavior – If our parents were not concerned about our diets as children, or if they were obese, the child may be more comfortable being obese as an adult. Another learned behavior is eating everything on our plates as children. Now, once we are full, we still continue to eat.
  • Boredom – Sometimes, we eat because there is nothing else to do. Emotionalism, depression, and anxiety play a part in obesity. Just as some folks may feel the need to drink or smoke to calm their nerves, some people use food to feel better.
  • Metabolism – Some of us have a higher metabolic rate that breaks down food, while others have a much slower metabolic rate and cannot eat much. When a person with a slow metabolic rate eats too much, they gain weight. As we age, our metabolism slows down, and if we do not change our eating habits, obesity may be the result.
  • Health issues – If you are concerned that a health issue may be causing you to gain weight, consult your doctor.
A lack of understanding of food and how the body works may be another cause of obesity. A person may try to diet by stopping all food consumption for a couple days thinking they will lose weight. When the desired result is not reached or maintained, the person may lose hope


Saturday, July 9, 2011

Obesity Among Man And Woman | What Is Solution For Obesity?

Obesity Among Man And Woman | What Is Solution For Obesity?

An obese person is prey to certain critical health disorders. These disorders include cardiovascular problems like stroke, diabetes milletus type 2, sleep apnea, depression, osteoarthiritis, cancer, hormone deficiency, especially a sharp fall in testosterone level in men, fast ageing and Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome (OHS).

Obesity raises cholesterol and triglycide levels and lowers HDL good cholesterol leading to stroke. It also raises the levels of blood pressure and blood sugar. This combination increases the risk of heart attack.

Obesity also causes osteoarthritis in the hand, hip, back and knee. Obesity issues affect post-menopausal women by increasing their chances of having breast cancer. Obese men may also suffer from breast cancer. Increased BMI may cause cancer of the esophagus. A person with super weight may have endometrial and renal cell cancer particularly for women.

Obesity increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases, carpal tunnel syndrome, chronic venous insufficiency, gallbladder problems, daytime sleeping, fatigue, gout, hypertension, pancreatic problems, infertility and low back pain. Obstetric and gynecological complications in women are also reported.

Other obesity related diseases are abdominal hernias, acanthosis nigricans, endocrine abnormalities, chronic hypoxia and hypercapnia, dermatological effects, depression, elephantitis, gastro esophageal reflux, heel spurs, hirsutism, lower extremity edema, mammegaly (causing considerable problems such as bra strap pain, skin damage, cervical pain, chronic odors and infections in the skin folds under the breasts, etc.), large anterior abdominal wall masses (abdominal paniculitis with frequent panniculitis, impeding walking, causing frequent infections, odors, clothing difficulties, low back pain), musculoskeletal disease, prostate cancer, pseudo tumor cerebri (or benign intracranial hypertension), and sliding hiatil hernia.

The cause of Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome (OHS) is generally unknown, but is likely related to a combination of a disorder in the brain’s control over breathing and the effects of obesity on the chest wall. With the excess weight of massive obesity, the muscles of the chest wall can have difficulty expanding the chest enough to exchange air efficiently. This results in a decreased ability to oxygenate the blood, and the retention of carbon dioxide. Affected people suffer from chronic fatigue due to sleep loss; poor sleep quality, and chronic hypoxia meaning decreased blood oxygen

source :

Monday, July 4, 2011

Obesity Solution | Cause Of Obesity Between Man And Women

Obesity Solution | Cause Of Obesity Between Man And Women

Overeating is the main cause of obesity. When the consumption intake does not match physical expenditure in a single day, obesity begins. The extra fat gained by the negative subtraction of the tow factors mentioned above allows pockets of fat deposits accumulate within the human body. A man or a woman of such a high-consumption nature falls prey to extra fat, bypassing the normal metabolic conditions of a human being.
The extra energy produces fat which is reserved into tissues. This imbalance in energy conservation leads to overweight over a period of time.
Eating disorders, unscheduled timing of meals and a wide time gap between eating all increase the chance of being an obese.

Besides overeating there are other reasons for getting weight. Some genetic disorders, carried by generations lead to overweight. In these cases people are helpless as they are biologically destined to have super weight. According to a study conducted by the World Health Organization (WHO), the people of Indian sub-continent are more prone to diabetes which presupposes an over weight condition.
Some illness like hypothyroidism leads to obesity. Here too things are not in the hands of the suffering people.
Gender plays an important part to play in causing obesity. On an average, a man has more muscles than a woman. Since muscles consume more calories than other forms of tissues, a man uses more calories than a woman even when he is not doing anything.
It proves that women are more vulnerable to obesity than men with same food intake.
Age is also a vital factor. Older people lose more muscles and thereby they tend to get fatter than the youth. Elderly people thus become obese more than the young generation.
During pregnancy, women get extra weight. This weight gain may lead to obesity. This can compound with each pregnancy.

Medication and Drugs
Certain medications also lead to overweight. For example taking too many pain killers, sedatives, anti-depressants and typical antipsychotics cause extra fat to build in an individual.
People should be very cautious in consuming such drugs. The less you take the better. Over consumption of alcohols also causes extra fat cells to develop.
Lack of Exercise
Sedentary lifestyle lacking in the realm of manual labor in the day’s schedule also leads to obesity. Those who do not spend a few hours engrossed in manual works give way to becoming heavy weight. Lack of physical exercise also leads to the miserable fall out becoming heavyweight.

Wrong Diet
A high glycemic diet, for example, a diet that consists of meals having high postpandial blood sugar causes a person to become obese. Heavy consumption of sugary food raises blood sugar level which in its turn makes one overweight.
A repeated attempt to lose weight by dieting is also risky. Eminent pop singer Carpenter died by practicing over dieting.
Higi level of stress are capable of leading to obesity. In this world of competition, it is hard not to become anxious, but too much of it is dangerous. Some people overeat because of depression, hopelessness, anger and boredom, it is not true that obese have more emotional problems. What we want to say is that emotions force people to take a particular eating habit that may not be healthy.

Insufficient Sleep
Insufficient sleep may also lead to danger. One should remember that sleep is a food for the body. Denial of this vital food necessarily leads to complications.
Smoking is also extremely bad for a person’s  health. It leads to many serious medical complications. But sudden cessation of smoking may also lead to danger. If a person makes the healthy decision to quit smoking they should talk to their doctor about their quitting options.

Ethnic Group
Ethnic diversity plays a part in the growing epidemic of obese people among certain cultural populations worldwide. It is proven that some ethnic groups are more vulnerable to becoming obese than others. It depends on the food habit of the ethnic group in question.
People having large adipose reserves are more likely to survive food shortages or famines. On the other hand, these people are in a disadvantageous position in a society where food supplies are plentiful.
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