Saturday, July 9, 2011

Obesity Among Man And Woman | What Is Solution For Obesity?

Obesity Among Man And Woman | What Is Solution For Obesity?

An obese person is prey to certain critical health disorders. These disorders include cardiovascular problems like stroke, diabetes milletus type 2, sleep apnea, depression, osteoarthiritis, cancer, hormone deficiency, especially a sharp fall in testosterone level in men, fast ageing and Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome (OHS).

Obesity raises cholesterol and triglycide levels and lowers HDL good cholesterol leading to stroke. It also raises the levels of blood pressure and blood sugar. This combination increases the risk of heart attack.

Obesity also causes osteoarthritis in the hand, hip, back and knee. Obesity issues affect post-menopausal women by increasing their chances of having breast cancer. Obese men may also suffer from breast cancer. Increased BMI may cause cancer of the esophagus. A person with super weight may have endometrial and renal cell cancer particularly for women.

Obesity increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases, carpal tunnel syndrome, chronic venous insufficiency, gallbladder problems, daytime sleeping, fatigue, gout, hypertension, pancreatic problems, infertility and low back pain. Obstetric and gynecological complications in women are also reported.

Other obesity related diseases are abdominal hernias, acanthosis nigricans, endocrine abnormalities, chronic hypoxia and hypercapnia, dermatological effects, depression, elephantitis, gastro esophageal reflux, heel spurs, hirsutism, lower extremity edema, mammegaly (causing considerable problems such as bra strap pain, skin damage, cervical pain, chronic odors and infections in the skin folds under the breasts, etc.), large anterior abdominal wall masses (abdominal paniculitis with frequent panniculitis, impeding walking, causing frequent infections, odors, clothing difficulties, low back pain), musculoskeletal disease, prostate cancer, pseudo tumor cerebri (or benign intracranial hypertension), and sliding hiatil hernia.

The cause of Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome (OHS) is generally unknown, but is likely related to a combination of a disorder in the brain’s control over breathing and the effects of obesity on the chest wall. With the excess weight of massive obesity, the muscles of the chest wall can have difficulty expanding the chest enough to exchange air efficiently. This results in a decreased ability to oxygenate the blood, and the retention of carbon dioxide. Affected people suffer from chronic fatigue due to sleep loss; poor sleep quality, and chronic hypoxia meaning decreased blood oxygen

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