Surgery to Combat Obesity

Surgery to reduce weight when obese is increasingly common. However, most doctors recommend it only when it has sought to reduce weight through other treatments and still have not achieved good results.
These operations are also known by the name of bariatric surgery. Their function is not aesthetic but are surgeries that are performed when excess weight becomes a problem of health. For this reason, it is not recommended for people who are just overweight, but rather are made only in those who have already reached the degree of obesity.
There are three types of surgery:
* restrictive surgery, in which what is done is to reduce the size or capacity of the stomach
* malabsorption or derivative, this type of surgery changes the way food is absorbed.
* Mixed, ie combining the two previous alternatives.
Some of these surgeries to combat obesity may have a temporary effect. Most of these surgeries allow the possibility of the patient to learn and get used to eating a healthier way. For example, a person with an intragastric balloon, after removing it, you've learned to eat less and only at times when he is hungry. However, we must be clear that the surgeries are not miraculous, and although most offer as a result a great reduction in weight, it is necessary to accompany the operation with a change in the habits of the person and especially their eating habits.
Obesity Statistics (Data)

As confirmed by the statistics and facts, obesity in the world is growing:
* According to the World Health Organization, in 2005 about 1600 million adults worldwide were overweight, of which 400 million were obese.
* In 2005 more than 20 million children under 5 years were overweight.
* It is estimated that by 2015 there will be 2.3 billion overweight adults, of whom 700 million are obese.
Obesity in Spain
* In 2005, Spain ranked third among European countries with the highest percentage of childhood obesity.
* According to the Ministry of Health and Spanish consumption, from 2005 until now the percentage of obese children has increased dramatically and is now Spain, the European country with the child obesity rate higher.
Obesity and Health
The health risks and possible complications of obesity are many.
* Obese people are 50% more likely risk of death than those with normal weight (same age).
* 26% of obese people also suffer from hypertension.
* 80% of the problems with type 2 diabetes, are associated with obesity problems.
* 70% of cardiovascular problems are associated with obesity problems.
* 42% of people with breast cancer and colon cancer are obese.
* 30% of gallbladder problems are related to obesity.
How To Measure Obesity and BMI Calculator

It is not the same as saying that a person is overweight to say who is obese. Not everyone who has a few extra kilos necessarily obese. It is said that when someone is obese has reached a certain degree of overweight. Ie when has far exceeded their ideal body weight and fat in your body is much higher than it should be. One of the most common ways to calculate and determine whether a person is obese is through BMI or body mass index. The IMC provides a direct relationship between weight and height of the person. According to the number obtained as a result is classified which category the person.
The formula for BMI is a person's weight divided by height squared. If for example a person weighs 95 kilograms and is 1.70 m, the account you should do is:
* 95 / 1.702 =
* 95 / 2.89 = 32.87
The number that occurs as a result is what determines whether the person is obese or not. It is said that a person is obese if he gets as a result a number greater than or equal to 30.
The IMC also differentiates between different types of obesity, if overweight or underweight is considered healthy.
* BMI less than or equal to 18.5 - is considered underweight.
* BMI between 18.5 and 24.9 - healthy weight is considered.
* BMI 25 to 29.9 - is overweight.
* BMI between 30 and 34.9 - are considered obese grade 1
* BMI between 35 and 39.9 - are considered obese grade 2
* BMI greater than 40 - is considered morbidly obese.
Another procedure that is commonly used to determine if a person suffers from obesity is to measure the circumference of your waist and hips. It is considered a health risk when measuring the circumference is greater than 88 in women and 102 men.
There are other ways of measuring obesity can only be done with specific equipment and under the supervision of a specialist. Examples include CT or MRI.
10 benefits of mindful eating

Mindful Eating is not a new concept. It's about listening to what our body tells us about our hunger and satisfaction. It is not about abundance and deprivation. Ask yourself the question. Am I really hungry? Then to what your body says to listen to you. If you are really in touch with what's going on in your body and your soul to know it's much easier at that moment when you fully satisfied or if your desire to eat more on how it is at this moment the To feel emotion. It's about understanding why, what, when, where and how we eat. It's about compassion and non-judgmental, it allows us to elaborate on our behavior.
People eat for many reasons and these reasons are understood to often very complex and difficult. We often find that people eat when they are angry, alone or with the feeling of comfort, while others prefer to eat and socialize like it, go to eat at a restaurant. Some people eat at certain times during the day while others eat out of habit or because it serves in some way.
Knowledge if we need to eat is one of the most natural way to communicate with us through which our body. Unfortunately, we have come over time, to ignore and manipulate these natural signals are usually caused by external factors. Such signals can range from our desire to be a certain weight, our need to comply with a specific image, our belief that we are not acceptable as we are or with food to comfort us. Taking account of these mind-body separation prevents us actually keep in touch with our inner knowledge and drives us to seek information and advice from external sources, rather than confidence in our own inner wisdom.
Mindful Eating is not a diet. They are attentive to the spirit and the observer that draws attention from eating experience. This may be your opinion through to you, just by watching, while the mind is distracted with no attachment to the idea. It is also important to know what is happening around you and within you. Is the TV on, the children are running around screaming or are you eating alone. Attentive, the food itself, as it looks, smells, tastes, it's hot or cold, etc. How do you feel sad, happy, anxious or depressed? Do you really hungry, where do you feel the hunger, you're always full, the food is satisfying your appetite? Really knowing what is happening in your body. Mindful Eating only asks that you observe these things, without trial or criticism. Here are the benefits of mindful eating ten:
* It is not something new. It's just something we have forgotten how. No matter what age or sex, you learn to eat mindfully
* It is not a diet. Following a diet means you trust that someone knows better than you. Through sensible eating, you will learn to trust yourself and just eat what you need to know your body and lose weight in the process
* There is a long-term solution that you always follow with the bonus of weight loss
* It gives you permissionto eat what you want and includes all food
* It can empoweringand about many positive changes in your life, how to bring improved self-esteem, more confidence and more self belief
* There is a simple processto follow no rules or restrictions that you feel deprived or "bad" can
* There is a mind-body approachinvolving the whole body, which include our thoughts, beliefs and feelings.
* The self-compassionand self-acceptance, which we want to encourage us were various stations
* It is not judgmental and can help people to change their behavior at their own pace
* It does work Which people can easily manage their weight and will continue with the process
How to lose weight quickly and gain more energy

If you are looking to quickly lose weight and gain more energy then you read this article. You may have tried to diet and failed to crash and you may have been left unmotivated and de-motivated. In this article you will learn how to lose weight quickly and why crash diets do not work.
It is difficult for the body, suddenly fed in any way modify, fed into a completely different way. This is exactly what happens when you start a crash diet. The body is expected to change a certain amount of food for energy and, if you suddenly have this, it starts to complain. Your body will immediately crave sugary starchy foods when they are suddenly gone.
Crash diets do not work. If you want to lose weight quickly, ironically, a slow and steady approach will work best. A quick crash diet can seem like a good idea, but it will inevitably be too hard, and you will be so discouraged that you are used completely. You can not starve your body food for more than a few days. If you do, you can quickly find that you back where you started.
Energy needs and weight loss
The body needs food for energy and we all need a certain number of calories per day. Fat is the body's natural way of storing energy, for the situations in which food scare (which was useful when people lived in caves and hunted and gathered). Most of us far more calories than we need, so that our body stores excess calories as fat. To remove the fat, we need the number of calories we consume and increase the calories we use to reduce. This makes the body start to its fat stores for energy and call using it. Since the fat reserves are used up, you go change our appearance and removes the bulges.
The way to reduce our calorie intake is two different things. We need to change what we eat and how much we eat. If we start not in sufficient calories, your body will burn excess fat. The second way is to increase activity. If we increase the activity of the body burns more calories.
Each of these methods is reduced fat. However, it is important to use both methods so that the body does not adapt to this new level. This application of both methods we definitely lose more weight and reduce our fat reserves faster.
Make changes gradually
With diet, make small changes make a big difference. By cutting down on carry only high sugar content of foods, beverages, snacks and take away from the body immediate changes.
The best way is to begin to swap out their full-fat products for low-fat equivalents. Substitute low-fat milk for whole milk. Substitute low-fat cheese for whole milk cheese. These small changes will make a difference.
With the slow start to your diet as to change this, the changes are for life. By constantly changing your diet, you will not only start to lose weight, but you will keep it forever. This does not mean you can never snacks or fast food again, but if you save it for special occasions rather than every day, you'll be well on your way to permanent weight loss.
Most of us Americans lead sedentary lives now where we drive everywhere and get no physical activity. It is no wonder we are all so overweight. By small changes in the exercise, you will increase your weight loss significantly. The advantage is that to get your heart more exercise, which means you are reducing the risk of future heart problems.
Do you add something like twenty minutes walk to the day. A small change as simple as this will mean you will lose weight. Try to exercise. If you were in high school sports why not go back to your sport? Why not choose a new one? You will not only lose weight but also gives you the social interaction, motivation, will help you continue to get leads. Swimming is an excellent exercise for losing weight and gaining fitness. Aerobics is also something that make the pounds drop off is.
Reduce your calorie intake
For long-term benefit, you have your eating habits. The small steps are described above, the initial changes. Remember to always change gradually. If you eat a lot of donuts, candy and fast food, it will never be possible to lose weight. They have never done it but have, save it for special occasions. Eating healthy now means that your body continues to use up excess stored fat and you'll continue to lose weight until the size is right for you to find.
Stick to a meal schedule
Do not cut, a meal to lose weight. It will not work. Cut a meal to be your desire to eat more and you end up eating more not less. Skipping a meal means now that you are hungry much in an hour. Why not accept this proposal for the food: -
* Always eat breakfast
* Eat a healthy snack at 11
* Always eat lunch
* Eat a healthy snack at 3
* Eat dinner
* Eat a healthy snack at 9
Slowly and steadily
Eat 300-500 calories less per day should lead to a loss of between one and two pounds per week. This is a realistic goal. It may slow, but it would add up to a weight loss of more than three stones in one year. After a while you will find that you lose weight quickly.